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Through a multifaceted practice encompassing painting, illustration, and digital art, Wowser Ng delves into themes of urbanism and cultural identity, often depicting elements like designer clothes, jewelry, and perfumes. Born in China and now based in London, Ng earned a bachelor’s degree from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and a master’s degree from the University of the Arts London. Ng’s work has been exhibited across the globe, including in Shanghai, Beijing, London, and New Orleans.

Artist Statement

As an artist, I am committed to capturing the impact of pop culture, fashion, and media. Fast, hype, which makes the power of the individual resist the tide swept. Media and information distort people's access to the truth and weaken their ability to explore objects. It's easy to get caught up in popular culture, which is constantly spreading and overwhelming.


At the heart of my practice lies the pulsating rhythm of fashion art—a visual language that transcends boundaries. My creations pulse with life as I appropriate and self-create fashion products and commodities, presenting a striking commentary on the perilous dance with materialism in the era of Generation Z. Through stylistic and opulent imagery, I strive to provoke contemplation on the relentless march of materialistic pursuits, emphasising the perils hidden behind the facade of economic prosperity.


I paint self-created objects from an Asian queer perspective, depicting the spirituality of objects. These emotional and spiritual objects symbolise my experiences at different times and the social environment I faced. The juxtaposition of abstraction and figurative, reality and illusion, materiality and spirituality, art and fashion constitute my research.  My paintings combines abstract and pop which is a challenge to pop art. with a visual narrative to reveal the pop culture under the influence of the current society.

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